Food, Beverages & Dairy

Right product mix & Go to market strategy


Food and Beverages are the basic necessity of life. Consumables as a business are very lucrative because human beings consume. Every day. From Grocery and Milk to Fruits and Vegetables, the farm produce has been of vital importance to humans. 

The production, procurement has been done. Now how to process and store the produce has been a matter of importance to mankind from time immemorial. The processing of the fresh produce ranges from making Beverages, Papads, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Tomato Ketchup, squash etc. 

How to decide which produce to go with, and how to process it to derive maximum value from it is the pertinent question. We help you answer all these questions. 
We specialize in making the right product mix and taking it to the market – which is of critical importance. 
We work with Private and Government organizations to define the process, products and marketing mix and take your products to Market.

Marketing of Milk and Milk products

Dairying as a business has come out to be a clear winner of all times. 
It is a business which provides occupation to people whether rural or urban. It has large earning potential by the sheer fact that the product goes into your homes every day. 
Yes, MILK is a high value product which is bought by customers every day. No other single product has the potential to be bought every day. Not even vegetables, or grocery.
Milk is used for drinking, making tea, sweets, curd and so many more items. A well established Milk business has the potential to become the country’s largest business.
Understanding the importance of the product for the consumers, various organizations are in the milk business be it Cooperatives, Private Dairies or Farmer Producer organizations. We work with all milk organizations to market the best of Dairy products to the consumers.

Offerings for food businesses

We offer services in the following aspects of Food, Beverages & Dairy Business – 

  • Project Planning – We help you conceptualize your project, and set up the operations.
  • Procurement – Procuring the raw material is the basic requirement. You can only sell what stocks you have.
  • Production and Manufacturing – The procured items needs to be processed to package and create various products
  • Branding – The customer should be able to identify with your brand and ask for your products.
  • Distribution – Sales and Marketing – Taking the product to the consumer is a different game altogether.

Cooperative services team passes on the benefits to the farmers

Our experienced team,  specializes in Cooperative services, a mechanism which helps do the capacity building of farmers. This ensures that the farmers get the best Return on investment (ROI) from the investment that they do in farm and cattle. These projects are undertaken by us in our CSR wing, Asar Initiative.

To Discuss growth plans of your business, reach out to us Now.