I wish I could do what I like ! Isn’t this the story of most of us. We want to be our own masters, do things our way and be accountable for it to ourselves and our family. We wish to have flexi timings to work, which includes working odd hours of the day so that we are able to give reasonable quality time to our families along with profession. Having a sense of work life balance in life is the most important and critical factor in today's world. Women are believed to be excellent multi taskers. Bearing the responsibility to mother children, yet keeping the professional aspirations high is something today's women have grown up to do. Working in a regular 9 to 5 job is not able to fulfil this aspiration and thus they explore other options. Young Women aspiring to step in to the entrepreneurship domain / who have started on this path, are welcome to get connected and get professional guidance along with Analysis of your business model. Ways to scale up, methods of economizing the business, bringing more processes and professional approach in day to day transactions are some of the skills that we help you with.