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Laja – Worth Bring a Woman

Thank You LAJA… Its an honour to be an integral part of you !



Ask her to do something and she’ll go an extra mile to get it done, it is this do-or-die attitude of our featured woman of the day, *Richie Agarwal* that has acted as a fodder for all her achievements so far.

Richie has always been someone whose heart goes out to people in need, so much so that she does her bit to bring peace in their lives in all the ways she can. This gave birth to a powerful initiative that she runs, known by the name “ASAR”. Here, Richie works with underprivileged women in her area, teaching them to do creative work like handicraft and create items that can then be sold. Besides, she imparts them basic knowledge about topics like menstrual hygiene, traffic rules etc through which they can benefit.
Richie has a daughter who’s indeed her greatest strength.
She hails from the holy city of Allahabad where she studied for quite a while and then moved to Pune to do her engineering. Thereafter, she obtained her MBA degree from IRMA and then went on to work with Infosys, Amul, Govardhan, Oriflame and various other corporates and understood the corporate world in and out.
Richie has now been doing Business Strategy consulting for SMEs, wherein she guides, mentors and coaches them on their framing their business strategies and executing them. By God’s grace and due to her undying passion, Richie has excelled in every project she has undertaken and every company she has worked in.
She worked on chocolates in AMUL in such a way that the entire AMUL family began calling her by the name chocolate girl.
She’s also the President of her Toastmasters’ Club. What’s more, she is a diehard follower of Yoga and Naturopathy and believes that we don’t need to run to the Doctor all the time, these pretty much solve a lot of problems.

“Women are excelling in every other field today. I’ve come across customers who are hellbent on having women do the work as they believe women are far more driven and responsible as compared to men. The only problem is that we women are not confident enough to bounce back and I’m in the process of coming up with an organisation that deals with this problem”, she says.

We congratulate Richie Agarwal for being featured at *LAJA*, a forum for women empowerment, a platform where they can share without the fear of being judged.


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