Degree or Skills – is it an endless Debate ?



Which Side are you on ? Degree Or Skills ? Lets Debate.
We Debated on 23rd March ’19 at Kogobo Baner.
Participating in one of the most interesting debates of times was extreme fun.
In todays times, when many successful entrepreneurs have demonstrated that degree wasn’t a critical factor in their success, we need to rethink at what is in store for us in future.
Even While hiring many organizations are not particular about how many marks you got or what degree is needed for you to achieve your aspirations at work. Particularly the developed countries are more inclined towards hiring relevant people in their task-force.
It is only prudent to understand the need for skills overtaking the degree which sadly cannot prove the skills level.
Both the sides were eager to prove their point while the audience was evaluating whether or not to take sides.
The best was the question and answer round where the audience didnt spare anyone.
Its about whats important, not to neutralize the effect of the other.
Sujata Kolekar Richie Agarwal Prasad Vasudha Kaushal Amandeep Singh, ACB ALB Saurabh Chaube Govinda Lalwani
Degree Vs Skills
#Degree #Skills Kunal Kamath Sarpal @PriyaDhawan @AmanZaidi
#DebateXchange India