This Diwali Asar distributed Book Marks



When we were young, we did not have electronic media to distract us in our favourite pastime – Reading !!

What is true is that the fast paced life and rapid growth of electronic media made available and accessible to us, is making reading as a – not so enticing activity. Particularly when we have audios and videos available for what we want to read, or know. Especially the young ones, who should be the ones enjoying the literature and stories the most, are the ones who are deep diving into the video world. It is because of this that their writing skills, are being affected along with the adverse impact on the otherwise incredible advantage in knowledge, vocabulary and understanding of life, which carries through college and into life.
From reading, the brain also benefits from a good workout when our intelligence is called into action, as is greater concentration.

Reading is a habit which is dying off very fast. To encourage big and small all to read more, ASAR distributed hundreds of bookmarks, all hand made, to all those we met during diwali. Hope that this encourages us to read more and more !!

October 2017