RAC At StartUp Master Class, Mumbai



The Leela Mumbai recently stood witness to an extraordinary event in the history of start-ups. For RA Consulting too that was an overwhelming moment being an outreach partner for this endeavour.

Alumni of IIT Kanpur hosted the 11th edition of StartUp Master Class  on 19th May 2018. StartUps present got one on one with investors, VCs and mentors of their choice.
Great personalities like  Dr Abhay Karandikar, Director of IITK and Shri Pradeep Bhargava, President of Alumni IITK addressed the gathering when the event commenced by the lighting of the lamp. We also showcased a video wherein Devendra Fadnavis, honourable CM of Maharashtra applauds the work of SMC and gives his ardent support for this huge career and employment providing forum. Mr Ajay Tyagi(SEBI Chairman) presided over the ceremony. Along with Shri Ashank Desai (Chairman Mastek), Shri Anup Bagchi, executive director of the ICICI Bank gave keynote address. There were a plethora of eminent personalities from the industry who gave their insights of the start up eco system and shared their experiences, that helped make the event a success.

The meet was a launchpad to pitch ideas for startups and the top five startups selected are to get a chance to present to the Govt. of Maharashtra, supported by the IIT network.
It was a fulfilling experience for us at RA Consulting as we felt satisfaction at adding value to the whole effort (click the link to see pictures and live videos) and gained valuable insights. It would have been easy to feel overawed and dwarfed amidst the great minds who attended. Instead what we felt was value. If you ask, it was an amazing idea to attend this event. Why? Because it added value to us personally and professionally and we got to imbibe the wisdom of intellectuals, the truth and experience behind them climbing the ladder to become the ones at the top.

Writing Credits – Neenu Mangatt