How Knowing Who’s Who of the Industry Helps



Venturing into new arenas of business has always been a passion for me. Of late, it’s EmCeeing in a variety of events.  One such memorable event was the SMC organised recently by the IIT Kanpur Pune Chapter on 15th September ’18. I was thrilled to have the honour of hosting this event. As an entrepreneur, I was looking forward to getting the essence of the speeches and the speakers to come.  I was in the presence of some very talented architects and master minds of successful careers and start ups. The keynote address by Dr. Anand Deshpande marked the beginning of what was to be a glorious day. To run a business, one needs so much more than just the ideas to start it with. The mentors and the people we partner with plays an equally important role in helping our business have a good run and a healthy growth. The importance of a good mentor and the influence the mentor has on the mindset of the entrepreneur is immense.

Many such prominent speakers came up on the stage to share their experiences and thoughts. Each and every person in the audience gleaned something different from the various talks. 

Now looking back I realize that throughout all these events I had the honor of hosting some amazing minds. I could interact more with these people at a more closer level. Also the exposure one naturally gets by being on the stage,  as a person making impromptu speeches and introductions and learning from the best of the minds of this century !